Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
06.09.2007Joakim Fiskvik? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Introduction to Java RMI? Overview&JavaRMI , JavaRMI Tutorial Files?
13.09.2007Joakim Fiskvik? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? EJB 3.0, JBoss & AOP? EJB-JBoss-AOP

"Homework" article:

Info, tutorials & example code:

20.09.2007Joakim Fiskvik? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Introduction to the mandatory programming assignment & student presentations.? Assignment&PresentationInfo?
27.09.2007Geir A. Waagb?, Computas AS? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Guest lecture.? EJB in the real world?
04.10.2007-? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Reserved for working on group assignment.? Group teacher available for consultation in room 3B. ?
09.10.2007-? Lille Auditorium, IFI - 14:15-16:00? Reserved for working on group assignment.? OBS! Lecture time and place!

Group teacher available for consultation in room "Lille Auditorium".?

18.10.2007-? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Reserved for working on group assignment.? Group teacher available for consultation in room 3B.

Mandatory programming assignments to be handed in to joakimfi(at)ifi(dot)uio(dot)no by 16:00 on Friday 19.10.?

25.10.2007-? -? -? No group meeting!?
01.11.2007-? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations.? ?
08.11.2007-? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations. ? ?
15.11.2007-? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations.? ?
22.11.2007-? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations.? ?
29.10.2007-? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations???? ?

Please note that this is a preliminary teaching plan for the group sessions, and that changes may occur!

Reference Material:

  • The book "Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0" is available from here , and might be of some help for your assignment (although I have not read it myself).
  • The book "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, 5th Edition" is available for preview here , have gotten good reviews, but it's NOT free. Those who are interested can take a look, but for the assignment you will manage just fine with freely available tutorials (see links below), and by googling problems as they arise. [The library, unfortunately, no longer have an account with O'Reilly to allow reading the whole book online!]

(If you come across other good references, please feel free to notify me through email, and I will post the link here for all to see!)

JBoss Downloads & Info:

For those of you that prefer to use an integrated development environment when writing applications, and are having problems with getting Eclipse to work perfectly with JBoss, the NetBeans IDE with JBoss integrated might be worth looking at. I got this tip from one of the groups in INF5040, and according to the them, it works very well and should contain everything that you need to develop the assignment application.


  • joakimfi(at)ifi(dot)uio(dot)no

Published Sep. 24, 2008 5:14 PM