Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
04.09.2008Amir Taherkordi? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Java Distributed Computing - RMI? Overview&JavaRMI

Java RMI Tutorials & Info @ sun.com?

11.09.2008Amir Taherkordi ? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? EJB - Applciation Servers, JBoss? EJB&Application Servers&JBoss??
18.09.2008Amir Taherkordi? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Java Distribution Patterns? J2EE Patterns?
25.09.2008Amir Taherkordi? Lille auditorium - 08:00-09:45? Introduction to the mandatory programming assignment & student presentations. ? Assignment?
02.10.2008Amir Taherkordi? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Reserved for working on group assignment. ? ?
09.10.2008Amir Taherkordi? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Reserved for working on group assignment. ? Group teacher available for consultation in room 3B.?
16.10.2008-? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Guest Lecture? Cancelled?
23.10.2008? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations? ?
30.10.2008? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations? ?
06.11.2008? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations? ?
13.11.2008? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations? ?
20.11.2008? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Guest Lecture? ?
27.11.2008? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Student presentations? ?


  • amirhost(at)ifi(dot)uio(dot)no

Published Sep. 5, 2008 1:39 AM - Last modified June 29, 2009 2:50 AM