
Published Dec. 5, 2007 3:50 PM

Summary lecture slides have been posted, so now all lecture slides, student presentations, and any additional reading material needed for the exam, should be available on the course web pages! Good luck with the exam prep!

Published Dec. 5, 2007 3:42 PM

The dates if the exam are 17. and 18. December. The exam will be conducted in the following way:

Each student will be assigned a time and place (room) to meet. It is important that you meet at the precise time and place. You will be given a set of written questions that you have 30 minutes to prepare answers to (e.g., by making notes, diagrams, keywords or similar). You may not use any kind of aid (written or otherwise).

After 30 minutes you will be brought to the examination room, where you will be allowed 15 minutes to present your answers to the written questions, followed by an additional 15 minutes of questioning from other parts of the examinable material. Bring picture id!

IFI-adm will prepare a schedule for the exam (time and place for each student). If you have particular wishes wrt your scheduling, contact IFI-studadm (Mozhdeh Sheibani Harat).

Published Nov. 8, 2007 1:00 PM

Pleae note that a new version of the slides for 06.11 has been uploaded (only minor structural changes). Also please find the announcement for the DADS seminar located together with this slide (on the teaching plan page).

Published Oct. 4, 2007 4:48 PM

For those of you that prefer to use an integrated development environment when writing applications, and are having problems with getting Eclipse to work perfectly with JBoss, the NetBeans IDE with JBoss integrated might be worth looking at. See the JBoss section on the group teaching plan page for more details...

Published Sep. 21, 2007 3:10 PM

The slides for this weeks lecture about Components have been updated, now contains information about where to download the CBSE chapters listed as reference material.

Published Sep. 20, 2007 5:12 PM

Group meeting slides are up, as well as the assignment specification, and updated assignment groups.

Published Sep. 6, 2007 4:49 PM

The slides form today's group meeting as well as the java-files for the example code are up!

The links for the JBoss Application Server downloads have also been put up (below the group teaching plan), for those who feel like getting a head start and try it out (of course, you don't have to install JBoss on your own computer, but use the environments provided by IFI instead, won't be available before later though...)

Regarding the group sizes, 3 is the optimal AND maximum number of students allowed in a group. A few groups of 2 is ok, in the case the total number of students doesn't add up!

Published Sep. 4, 2007 2:56 PM

OBS! Corrected version of the slides on System Models where uploaded at 16:35. Make sure you have the latest version if you downloaded them earlier today!

Published Aug. 29, 2007 7:45 PM

Lecture notes for the first lecture are up, sorry for the delay!

Published Aug. 28, 2007 3:24 PM

OBS! The lecture originally scheduled on Tuesday the 9th of October, will be moved to the group meeting date, time and room, Thursday the 11th of October, room 3B, from 10:15-12:00! This also means that the group teacher will be available during the lecture date, time and room that week!

Published Aug. 7, 2007 4:48 PM

Emnet vil bli undervist p? engelsk/This subject will be taught in english.