Syllabus/achievement requirements


Sergio Sismondo: An introduction in Science and Technology Studies, 2010. Blackwell Publishing. (2nd edition). Chapters 2,3,5,6,7,8,9, and 10. Akademika has ordered 10 copies.

Articles and Book Chapters

Adam, Alison (2005). Delegating and Distributing Morality:Can We Inscribe Privacy Protection in a Machine? In Ethics and Information Technology, vol 7, no. 4, pp. 233-242.

Callon, Michel (1986). Some elements of a sociology of translation: Domestication of the scallops and the fishermen of St Brieuc Bay

de Laet, Marianne and Annemarie Mol (2000). The Zimbabwe Bush Pump: Mechanics of a fluid technology. In Social Studies of Science, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 225–263.

Enough Project (2012). Conflict Minerals

Ess, Charles (2010). "Digital media Ethics: Overview, Framework, Resources". In Charles Ess, Digital Media Ethics. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 167-225.

Ess, Charles (2007). Cybernetic pluralism in an emerging global information and computer ethics. In International Review of Information Ethics, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 94-123.

Feenberg, Andrew (2010). Ten paradoxes of technology. In _Techne, 14(1).

Global Networking Initiative (2010). Inaugural Report 2010

Haraway, Donna (1986). Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective

Introna, Lucas D. (2007). Maintaining the reversibility of foldings: Making the ethics (politics) of information technology visible. In Ethics and Information Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 11-25.

Introna, Lucas D. and David Woods (2004). Picturing Algorithmic Surveillance: The Politics of Facial Recognition Systems. In Surveillance & Society, vol. 2, no. 2/3, pp. 177-198.

Irani, Lilly, Janet Vertesi, Paul Dourish, Kavita Philip, and Rebecca E. Grinter (2010). Postcolonial Computing: A Lens on design and development. In Proceedings of CHI2010, April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Open Net Society (2011). West Censoring East

Ramasastry, Anita (2012). Girls Around Me

Star, Susan Leigh (1991). "Power, Technology and the Phenomenology of Conventions: on being allergic to onions". In John Law (ed), A sociology of monsters: Essays on power, technology and domination. London: Routledge, pp. 26-56

Tripathi, Salil (2011). Silicon Valley Human Rights Conference

van der Velden, Maja (2011). When knowledges meet: Wikipedia and other stories from the contact zone. In Geert Lovink & Nathaniel Tkatz (eds.),Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader.

Verran, Helen, Christie, Michael, Anbins-King, Bryce van Weeren, Trevor & Yunupingu, Wulumdhuna (2007). Designing Digital Knowledge Management Tools with Aboriginal Australians, Digital Creativity, Vol 18, No 3, pp 129-142.

Winner, Langdon (1993). Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding It Empty: Social Constructivism and the Philosophy of Technology. In Science, Technology, & Human Values, vol. 18, n0. 3, pp. 362-378.

Wyatt, Sally (2008). Technological determinism is dead: Long live technological determinism. In The Handbook of Science & Technology Studies, E. Hackett, O. Amsterdamska, M. Lynch and J. Wajcman (eds), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 165-181.

Documentaries (video)

Dannoritzer, Cosima (2010). Pyramids of Waste (2010), AKA The Lightbulb Conspiracy. (documentary, 52 mins).

NRK (2009). A radiant day. (documentary, 42 mins). Article

Schei, Tonje Hessen (2010). "Play again" (What they do not know, they will not protect. And what they do not protect, they will lose.).

Resources (Extra - not obligatory)

Asdal, Kristin, Brita Brenna, and Ingunn Moser (eds.) (2007). Technoscience: The politics of interventions. Oslo: Unipub. (This book contains the above mentioned articles by Callon (1986), Haraway (1986), and Star (1991), and contains many other interesting articles that address core issues in Science and technology Studies).

Asdal, Kristin (2008). Enacting things through numbers: Taking nature into account/ing. In Geoforum, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 123-132.

Berg, Anne-Jorunn and Merete Lie (1995). Do Artifacts Have Gender?. Science Technology Human Values, vol. 20, no. 3, pp.332-351.

Callon, Michel (1997). Keynote Speech: Actor-Network Theory - The Market Test. Final version published in John Law and John Hassard (eds), Actor Network Theory and After, Blackwell, 1998.

Cradle to Cradle: A Strategy of Hope (MIT, 2010, 85 mins).

Cradle to Cradle Design: William McDonough on Eco-Friendly Design (Standford University, 72 mins.).

Cradle to Cradle Design: Waste = Food (by Rob van Hattum, VPRO, 2007)

Grisot, Miria (2010). Ordering logics of information practices: a case on heart transplant. English translation of: Grisot, M. (2010): “Ordningslogikker i informasjonspraksiser – en case fra hjertetransplantasjon”. Kapittel 4 i Aanestad M. og Olaussen I. eds. IKT og samhandling i helsesektoren. Digitale lappetepper eller s?ml?s integrasjon? . Tapir Akademisk Forlag.

Latour, Bruno (1992). Where are the Missing Masses? Sociology of a Door

Lehrer, Jonah (2010). The truth wears off: Is there something wrong with the scientific method?. In The New Yorker, December 13, 2010.

Lehrer, Jonah (2011). More thoughts on the decline effect. New Yorker Blog, 3 January 2011.

Leonard, Annie (2010). The Story of Electronics. (documentary, 8 mins).

Lovink, Geert and Nathaniel Tkacz (2011). "Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader. Amsterdam, Institute for Networked Cultures.[ pdf ]

Michaels, Russel, Simon Ardizzone, and Robert Carrillo Cohen (2006). Hacking Democracy. (documentary, 81 mins).

M?rtberg, Christina (1999). Technoscientific challenges in feminism. In NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 7: 1, pp. 47-62

Philip, Kavita, Irani, Lilly and Paul Dourish (2010). Postcolonial Computing: A Tactical Survey. In Science, Technology, & Human Values, 000(00), pp. 1-27.

Turnbull, David (2000). Masons, Tricksters and Cartographers. London: Routledge (263 pp.).

van der Velden, Maja (2008). What's love got to do with IT? On ethics and accountability in telling technology stories. In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, (Eds), Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication 2008 (pp. 27-39). Murdoch: Murdoch University.

Verbeek, Peter-Paul (2008). Design Ethics and the Morality of Technological artifacts. In Philosophy and Design, no. 1, pp. 91-103.

Interest explanation:

Winner, Langdon (1980). Do Artifacts Have Politics?. In Daedalusvol. 109, no. 1, pp. 121-136

Joerges, Bernward (1999). Do Politics Have Artefacts?. In Social Studies of Science, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 411-431

Published Jan. 10, 2012 11:31 AM - Last modified May 5, 2012 3:13 PM