Post Layout Simulation

The post layout simulation flow is not streamlined. The flow is comprised of the following steps (roughly):

  1. The actual extraction, i.e. finding and calculating the values of the parasitic components from the layout geometry (Calibre PEX + rules file)
  2. Getting the results back to Cadence (creating the "calibre" view)
  3. Using the extracted view with parastics for simulation, rather than the "plain" schematics view

See this document for a detailed description: PostLayoutTutorialTSMC90nm.pdf. This document is based on an older version of Cadence, but the flow is identical. Some dialogs will have a slightly different apperance.

Important differences in the version we are using:

  1. Fix a path in the rule file. Execute the following command from your cadence directory: "patch -p0 <
  2. Replace the cellmap file "./calview.cellmap" with "./Calibre/rcx/calview.cellmap" in the "Calibre View Setup" dialog.
Publisert 19. jan. 2014 22:18 - Sist endret 19. jan. 2014 22:22