Beskjeder - Side 2
Some remarks are added in the "Project" page.
Some errata of the book "Data Converters" can be found at "" /Kody
You may now find the project on the INF4420 / INF9425 homepage. If possible, try to team up in groups of two people, as soon as possible. If you do not, we will help you by the end of this week.
Preliminary slides for tomorrow may be found under "detaljert undervisningsplan".
The previously mentioned book; "Data Converters", by Franco Maloberti, will be used for some of the INF4420 / INF9425 curriculum. It will be referred to as "Maloberti" in the lecture plan.
A book about data converters may be downloaded from Ifi computers", here: .
Kody will treat problems 11.9, 11.10, 11.12, 11.17 and problem 1 (exam 2010) in the problem-solving class on Wednesday the 9th of February. The exam problem may be found under "undervisningsplan", and the question is about what are the faults and limitations for the sample-and-hold implementation.
The laboratory activities start on Monday the 31th, and are moved to room 3468 (, due to convenience of getting linux-based computers).
A lecture plan ("undervisningsplan") has been added to the INF4420 homepage.
The courses INF4420 / INF9425 start on Tuesday the 25th. (INF9425 is meant for ph.d. students.) Welcome!