
Publisert 13. juni 2016 13:40

The solution to exercise 2d for week 14 is incorrect. Please ignore it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Publisert 12. apr. 2016 14:57

In exercise 2b you are asked to run Clustal W from within Jalview. This is the program called just "Clustal" on the menus, not "ClustalO".

Publisert 1. apr. 2016 15:39

The second partial exam is now available on Fronter. Deadline: Wednesday 4 May 2016 at 16.00. Good luck! Please note that one needs to deliver something on both partial exams in order to be allowed to take the final exam.

Andre deleksamen er n? tilgjengelig p? Fronter. Innleveringsfrist: Onsdag 4. mai 2016 kl 16.00. Lykke til! Legg merke til at man m? levere noe p? begge deleksamenene for ? f? lov til ? ta den endelige eksamenen.

Publisert 18. mars 2016 13:33

The results of partial exam 1 are now ready. The results and some feedback can be found on Devilry.

Partial exam 2 will most likely be made available on 1 April and must be handed in by 29 April. Results should be ready by 13 May.

Publisert 7. mars 2016 12:53

Regarding the INF4350 lecture today about suffix tries, trees and arrays, as well as BWT and FM-index, I would recommend watching three good Youtube videos where Ben Langmead explains these data structures very well. Langmead is the main author of Bowtie, one of the most popular tools for mapping reads to a genome.

Suffix tries and trees:

Burrows-Wheeler Transform:

FM index:

Publisert 1. feb. 2016 16:16

You need to know about BLAST to answer certain questions in the first partial exam, and we wont discuss BLAST until the 15th of February. You may however start working on most of the rest of the exam right now.

Man m? kjenne til BLAST for a svare p? noen av sp?rsm?lene i deleksamen 1, og vi g?r ikke gjennom BLAST f?r 15. februar. Det er likevel fullt mulig ? begynne p? det meste av deleksamenen allerede n?.


Publisert 1. feb. 2016 11:41

The first partial exam is now available on Fronter. Deadline: Friday 4 March 2016 at 16.00. Good luck! Please note that one needs to deliver something on both partial exams in order to be allowed to take the final exam.

F?rste deleksamen er n? tilgjengelig p? Fronter. Innleveringsfrist: Fredag 4. mars 2016 kl 16.00. Lykke til! Legg merke til at man m? levere noe p? begge deleksamenene for ? f? lov til ? ta den endelige eksamenen.


Publisert 27. jan. 2016 14:35

If you have had problems registering for the course lately, please try again. The maximum number of students for the course has been increased to 60 today.


Publisert 19. jan. 2016 11:22

All students registered for INF4350 should now have access to the Fronter room.

Publisert 18. jan. 2016 16:48

All lecture presentations, exercises etc will be uploaded to a Fronter room called "INF4350 - Fellesrom 2016-v?r". Unfortunately, you haven't got access yet. Meanwhile, I'll be happy to send you the files by email if you first send me an email (because I do not have lists of the students).

Publisert 6. jan. 2016 11:37

Welcome to the first INF4350 lecture on Monday 18 January 2016 at 14.15 in seminar room 2458 Postscript.