
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.08.2009Asbj?rn Berge and Anne Solberg? Store Aud? Introduction and preliminaries? Lecture foils are here?
02.09.2009Asbj?rn Berge? Lille Aud? Classification 1 ? Lecture foils are here

Exercises on classification are here

More than 1 hours work, so will be continued after next classifcation lecture. ?

09.09.2009Anne Solberg? Lille Aud? From pixels to region objects? Lecture foils are here

Exercises are here

This week's text is from Chapter 11 in Gonzalez and Woods. The lecture on shape descriptors (23.9) is also from this chapter.?

16.09.2009Asbj?rn Berge? Lille Aud? Classification 2 ? Lecture foils are here

Exercises on topics lectured are here here?

23.09.2009Anne Solberg? Lille aud? Shape descriptors? Lecture foils are here

Start mandatory exercise partI


30.09.2009? ? No lecture? Work on mandatory exercis 1 this week.?
07.10.2009Anne Solberg? Lille aud? Morphology? Mandatory exercise 1 due Friday October 9.

Lecture notes are here

Exercises are here??

14.10.2009Anne Solberg? Lille aud? Image segmentation? Lecture foils are here

Exercises are here?

21.10.2009Anne Solberg? Store aud? Hough transform? Lecture foils are here

Exercise text is at the back of the lecture foils.

Support files for matlab exercises:

Matlab scripts:

Matlab function for Hough transform:

"Matlab function for drawing lines:": http://www.ifi.uio.no/~inf3300/2007H/draw_lines.m

Image of corridor:

Image of coins:

Exercise solution to Random Hough transform:

Matlab support function:


28.10.2009Asbj?rn Berge? Store aud? Texture? Lecture foils are here

Exercises on topics lectured are here here

A note on GLCM?

04.11.2009? Store aud? ? ?
11.11.2009Asbj?rn Berge and Anne Solberg? Store aud? Applications and demos? ?
02.12.2009Asbj?rn Berge and Anne Solberg? Store aud? Repetition? Repetition of Annes lectures are here?
Publisert 10. aug. 2009 18:30 - Sist endret 2. des. 2009 13:53