The fagutvalg wants to point out that they would encourage you to provide feedback on the lecture (at some point). Martin
Hei kursansvarlige og fagl?rere,
I og med at siste forelesning i h?stens emner n?rmer seg med stormskritt h?per jeg dere har mulighet til ? oppfordre studentene deres til ? svare p? kursevalueringsskjemaet de f?r tilsendt p? epost. Til info kommer eposten mot slutten av m?neden.
Bruk gjerne argumenter som:
* Det er studentenes mulighet til ? f? forbedret undervisningstilbudet.
* At r?dataen blir behandlet og utfordringer blir tatt videre p? instituttniv?.
* Det betyr mye at de svarer.
Vi i Fagutvalget ?nsker en h?yere svarprosent p? evalueringen, s? setter stor pris p? om dere har mulighet til ? promotere.
[The go memory model is NOT pensum, but anyway:]
Last week we did WMM, including the happens-before relation (as used in for instance Java). The happens-before is also at the core of Go's (weak) memory model
Hi, I added a new oblig. (and still waiting for some feedback to some of my question for a few). I will add a devilry entry later the week.
The pdf containing info on elementary use of go is also avaialbe in a
plain html:
it's a document-in-progress. There will be additional short sections on locks mutexes and perhaps futures and other things related to the lecture. It will however, not be a full go intro.
As said, and as emailed: upcoming week, there's no lecture and there's no exercises. (only the deadline for the oblig...)
Due to lack of participation on Tuesday, all exercises will be held in just one time, namely Wednesday's group.
I uploaded the first oblig, see the corresponding subdirectory (accessible via the tab on the right).
Hi, as the ``timeplan'' indicates: first lecture will be 24. August. Martin