A bird.
This document contains exercises made for INF3580. Please send any comments, errors, bug or improvement reports to this exercise set to martige@ifi.uio.no. Feedback is most welcome! Alphabetically thanks to Audun Stolpe, Espen H. Lian, Martin Giese and Rune Dahl for feedback.
The main curriculum for INF3580 spring 2010 is Semantic Web Programming by John Hebeler et al., Wiley Publishing, 2009. They have a website with additional articles and all source code used in the book at http://semwebprogramming.org/. Auxiliary curriculum is the book Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies by Hitzler, Krützsch, Rudolph, CRC Press 2009.
Keep all the work you do for these exercises in a safe
place. Setting up a version control system like cvs
, svn
for the work you do is smart. You can create a svn repository
on IfI's svn server, see their help section for more
information. There is also a walk-through from old INF3120 on how to
set up a svn
repository and connect it to Eclipse, but news is
that you'll need the plug-in subclipse to make it work. Please
contact me if you have any smart tips to share.
- Semantic Web Programming: chapter 6.
- Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies: chapter 7.
1.1 Query engine
In this exercise you are asked to make a SPARQL query engine.
1.1.1 Exercise
Write a java program which reads an RDF graph and a SPARQL query
from file, queries the graph and outputs the query results as a
table. Your program should accept SELECT
queries, CONSTRUCT
queries and ASK
queries. A messages should be given if the query
is of a different type. Tip
If I query the Simpsons RDF graph (simpsons.rdf
) we wrote in a
previous exercise with my SPARQL query engine and the SELECT
1: PREFIX sim: <http://www.ifi.uio.no/INF3580/v10/ex/simpsons.rdf#> 2: PREFIX fam: <http://www.ifi.uio.no/INF3580/v10/ex/family.n3#> 3: PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> 4: SELECT ?s ?p ?o 5: WHERE{ ?s ?p ?o } 6: LIMIT 1
I get1 To get the nicely formatted output I use the class ResultSetFormatter.
---------------------------------------- | s | p | o | ======================================== | sim:Bart | fam:hasFather | sim:Homer | ----------------------------------------
Executing with the ASK
1: ASK{ ?s ?o ?p }
gives me
Executing with the CONSTRUCT
1: PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> 2: PREFIX fam: <http://www.ifi.uio.no/INF3580/v10/ex/family.n3#> 3: PREFIX sim: <http://www.ifi.uio.no/INF3580/v10/ex/simpsons.rdf#> 4: CONSTRUCT{ sim:Bart rdfs:label ?name } 5: WHERE{ sim:Bart fam:hasName ?name }
gives me
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix sim: <http://www.ifi.uio.no/INF3580/v10/ex/simpsons.rdf#> . @prefix fam: <http://www.ifi.uio.no/INF3580/v10/ex/family.n3#> . sim:Bart rdfs:label "Bart Simpson"^^xsd:string .
1.2 Query The Simpsons
In these exercises we will query the Simpsons RDF file we wrote in a previous exercise.
For each for the exercises below write the correct SPARQL query and execute it on the Simpsons RDF graph produced in the RDF exercise using your java SPARQL query engine. Explain the results. Are they what you expected? Pay special attention to blank nodes in the query outputs.
See W3C's SPARQL Query Language for RDF for definitions and examples. The SPARQLer Validator might also come in handy.
1.2.1 Exercise
Query: Find all Persons and order them by identifier. Tip
This is a simple query, where you will need to use SELECT
. It is also important to set namespaces
correctly in order for the query to work.
If you do not get any results, try the query
SELECT ?s ?o ?p WHERE {?s ?o ?p}
and see if your get the expected results and namespaces. This query lists all triples in the graph.
1.2.2 Exercise
Query: Find all persons with a name and age. Output name and age. Order by name.
1.2.3 Exercise
Query: Find everyone which has a sibling and list both the person and the siblings. Order by person and sibling.
1.2.4 Exercise
Query: Find everyone that has a mother. List also their father and other parents, if there is information about this. Order results by person identifier.
1.2.5 Exercise
Query: Find everyone with a name with 'M' as first letter.
1.2.6 Exercise
Query: Find all of Maggie's grandmothers.
1.2.7 Exercise
Query: Find everyone older than 10. Order by age, oldest first. Output name and age.
1.3 DBpedia
DBpedia is, according to DBpedia,
a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, and to link other data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data.
We will use their SPARQL endpoint, http://dbpedia.org/sparql, to extract some information.
There is also a more fancy GUI available, if you can get anything out of it: http://dbpedia.org/isparql/.
Note that DBpedia can be slow to respond.
1.3.1 Exercise
Extend your query engine so that it can query a SPARQL endpoint and not just a file.
A simple solution to differentiate between if the source to query is a file or a SPARQL endpoint is to let the program read three arguments, where the first argument specifies the source, e.g., running
java_program file simpsons.rdf sparql_query.rq
results in running the query sparql_query.rq
on the file
, just like the query engine you have already
written in a previous exercise, while running
java_program endpoint http://some.sparql/endpoint/ sparql_query.rq
returns the result of querying the endpoint
with the query sparql_query.rq
1.3.2 Exercise
Find all Simpsons characters in DBpedia and list their name,
gender and relatives. Let gender and relatives be optional and
list only names in English. Assume all characters have a
relation to Category:The_Simpsons_characters,
?character skos:subject <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:The_Simpsons_characters> .
Browse DBpedia to find the correct resource and property identifiers to use in your query.
1.3.3 Exercise
query which creates a graph based on the
query you made above. Type a character as fam:Person
and use the properties
to relate the person to its name, gender and relatives. Use
if the value of gender is a literal, and
if the value is a resource2.
The object values for fam:hasRelationshipTo
must be resources and
not literals. This means that you should ignore values of relatives
given as literals. rdfs:label
shall hold the name of the character. Tip
Assume the table
Person | Name | Gender | Relative |
dbp:Marge_Simpson | "Marge Simpson" | "Female" | dbp:Maggie_Simpson |
dbp:Lisa_Simpson | "Lisa Simpson" | dbp:Female | "Father: Homer" |
is the result of running your SELECT
query. Then your
query should produce the following RDF graph
dbp:Marge_Simpson a fam:Person ; fam:hasName "Marge Simpson" ; fam:hasGenderLiteral "Female" ; fam:hasRelative dbp:Maggie_Simpson ; rdfs:label "Marge Simpson" . dbp:Lisa_Simpson a fam:Person ; fam:hasName "Lisa Simpson" ; fam:hasGenderResource dbp:Female ; rdfs:label "Lisa Simpson" .
1.3.4 Exercise
Explain what a DESCRIBE
SPARQL query is. Make an example using
the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint.
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