
Published Nov. 30, 2018 4:29 PM

Hi everyone! The exam solutions are now online, at the bottom of the list of exams here.

Published Nov. 20, 2018 7:06 PM

Hey all, 

The seminar session tomorrow 12:15-14:00 will be cancelled. Instead, it will go collectively with the session from 14:15-16:00.

The session 08:15-10:00 will go as usual. 


- Sharanan

Published Aug. 28, 2018 11:02 AM

Hi everyone,

We noticed that the part about greedy search in exercise 1 does not match the definition of greedy search from the syllabus (slides and textbook), so we removed that part. Greedy search requires some problem specific knowledge about how to build a good solution, which is not available for the problem in exercise 1 - so it doesn't seem to be relevant in the exercise. If you're in doubt about the difference between greedy search and hill climbing, I found the following explanation helpful:



Published Aug. 28, 2018 9:45 AM

Hi everyone,

The remaining lectures of the year will be in Kristen Nygaards hus, store auditorium. My count from last week's lecture indicates that you should fit in there! Look forward to seeing you there tomorrow!


Published Aug. 23, 2018 10:00 AM

Hi everyone,

The videos for the first lecture are available (on the right on this page), and the first optional exercise is also online (on the left on this page). Enjoy!


Published Aug. 22, 2018 3:14 PM

Hi everyone,

We have now set the time and place for the fourth group's group lectures. Check out the schedule for the time and place.


Published Aug. 21, 2018 1:33 PM

Hi everyone,

Due to a much higher number of interested students than we expected, we are moving the first lecture of the course to a larger lecture hall: Auditorium 4 at Harald Schjeldrups Hus. This is a short walk (about 5 minutes) from the previously planned lecture room. Sorry about the inconvenience, but we are happy to see so many interested students, and want to include as many as possible of you! Since the first lecture is already tomorrow, please pass the message on to others you know are taking the class.

Location: Harald Schjedrups Hus


Published Aug. 17, 2018 11:46 AM

Hi everyone, and welcome to the course!

The first lecture will be Wednesday August 22. But you can already join our Slack-channel, where you can discuss and clarify questions you may have about the course at

See you!

-Kai Olav Ellefsen