Course ending/exam

Dear INF3490/4490-students,

Thank you for attending the course. It has been a pleasure having you as students, and we hope that you have found the course interesting and relevant. We?ll be happy to have your feedback through the FUI student evaluation system.

Regarding the exam, the faculty now seems to have been able to assign you all to Silurveien (check your StudentWeb for what room you are assigned to).

There will be 80% multiple choice problems on the exam where you select true or false, and 20% where you reply with text (see the slides from the last lecture for how it will look like). We prefer that the text answers are given in English language but we would naturally not reduce the score due to spelling errors as long as the understanding seems to be correct.

Best wishes for the exam,
Group teachers, Kai, Weria and Jim

Published Nov. 29, 2017 4:26 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2017 4:26 PM