
Publisert 5. des. 2013 14:05

On the course web-page the material allowed at the exam is specified as all printed and written material as well as an 'approved calculator'. Make sure that you bring such a calculator! A list of the approved ones can be found here:


Publisert 25. okt. 2013 15:39

The last graded lab exercise is now published: lab3 

Deadline is Nov-25-2013, 14:15!

Publisert 18. okt. 2013 10:40

Slide 29 of chapter 4 has been updated, as the description was wrong and inconsistent with the book with respect to phase shift caused by negative z_i.

Publisert 3. sep. 2013 19:52

The first lab exercise is now published: PDF. It can also be found on the lecture schedule. Note the HARD deadline: 23-Sep-2013, 14:15!

Publisert 14. aug. 2013 15:47

Torsdager er reservert til ? l?se papir?velser til forberedelse p? eksamen med en gruppel?rer tilstedet. F?rste torsdag 22. august blir det ingen ?velser og dermed ikke noe program denne dagen

Publisert 14. aug. 2013 15:40

Thursdays 12-14 will be reserved for solving paper exercises to prepare students for the exam with a teaching assistent present. The first week there will be no exercises yet, so nothing is scheduled for Thursday Aug 22nd..