
In case of sickness, use this link to request an extension.

Installation on your local machine

This course requires a Python 3 installation. We recommend either anaconda or miniconda to install the Python environment.

Installation on IFI machines

To install Python 3 follow these steps:

  1. wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
  2. bash Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
    Note: leave the default settings
  3. echo "alias anaconda=\"export PATH=\"$HOME/anaconda3/bin:\$PATH\"\"" >> ~/.bashrc
  4. echo "alias anaconda=\"export PATH=\"$HOME/anaconda3/bin:\$PATH\"\"" >> ~/.bash_profile   # For ssh access
  5. Log out and in again

When installed correctly, you can type "anaconda" into the bash shell to switch to the Python 3 environment required for this course. When you log out again, you will get back your previous environment.


Grading system 

  • INF4331 will have some additional exercises over INF3331.
  • INF3331: The total number of points will be 150. The course is passed with a minimum of 120 points.
  • INF4331: The total number of points will be 180. The course is passed with a minimum of 145 points.
  • Assignments 4, 5 and 6 are peer-reviewed. 
  • Your points are visible on devilry.ifi.uio.no.

Mandatory assignments

Name Publish date Deadline Resources Points INF3331 Points INF4331
Assignment 1 Tue, Aug 21th Fri, Aug 31st, 23:59 PDF 5 5
Assignment 2 Tue, Aug 28st Tue, Sep 4th, 23:59 PDF 10 10
Assignment 3 Tue, Sep 4th Tue, Sep 11th, 23:59

PDF, complex.py

15 15
Assignment 4 Tue, Sep 11th

Tue, Oct 2nd, 23:59

PDF 30+5 40+5
Peer-review of assignment 4 Tue, Oct 2nd

Tue, Oct 9th, 23:59

  10 10
Assignment 5 Tue, Oct 9th

Tue, Oct 30th, 23:59







30+15 40+5
Peer-review of assignment 5 Tue, Oct 30th

Tue, Nov 6th, 23:59

Peer review information 10 10
Assignment 6 Tue, Nov 6th

Tue, Nov 27th, 23:59








Peer-review of assignment 6 Tue, Nov 27th

Tue, Dec 4th, 23:59

  10 10


Group session exercises

Week 1: PDF

Week 2: PDF

Week 3: PDF

Week 4: PDF

Week 5: PDF

Week 6: PDF

Week 8: PDF

Week 9: PDF

Week 12: PDF

Publisert 20. aug. 2018 10:44 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2018 13:44