Getting started

The assignments are handed in electronically on github. For that you have to do the following steps in the first week of the course:

  1. Sign up at Piazza
  2. Sign up on
  3. Fill out this web form.
  4. After ca. one day you will be invited to join the github INF3331 organisation. Go to and join this organisation (check on the top of the page and make sure that you are logged in). If that is not the case, send me ( an email. Note: this applies to both INF3331 and INF4331 students.
  5. You will now have a private github repository in the UiO-INF3331 github organisation where you can push your assignment solutions.


* If do not get the github invitation, then go to and check on the top of the page if you have an invitation pending. If that is not the case, send me ( an email.

Publisert 20. aug. 2018 11:01 - Sist endret 5. sep. 2018 07:09