Problem solving by support team – an illustration of today's topic.?

While lecturing today, a technical question was submitted to the post list of the DHIS system which we develop. It was answered by Ola, who wrote the response below. First, Ola guides Pavel to an e-mail list where such questions are normally responded to. Second, he directs Pavel to the documentation, where Pavel can find out more by himself. In total, Ola tries to improve Pavel's competence in help seeking and in searching for documentation, which are two common problem solving approaches. 

Hi Pavel,

I moved your question to the DHIS 2 users list, a better place for technical questions about DHIS 2.

If you haven't signed up for the list yet, please read how to here:

For aggregation of events I suggest you have a look at the Program Indicators, documented here:

Including functions like daysBetween documented here:


Published Feb. 25, 2016 12:35 PM - Last modified Feb. 25, 2016 2:25 PM