Semesterside for INF3232 - V?r 2018


Here are my solutions to the exam 2018.  Other (more elegant?) solutions are of course also possible.

God sommer!   Enjoy the summer!


13. juni 2018 18:17

Sorry, somewhat late with publishing exercises for Thursday April 26.  We will be discussing the exams from 2003 (a very nice exam) and 2017. See the course schedule for details.

21. apr. 2018 10:35

Oblig 3 innleveringsfrist 20. april.

Mandatory Homework Assignment 3, deadline April 20.

18. mars 2018 21:04

Oblig2 innleveringsfrist 9.3.

Mandatory Homework 2, deadline March 9.

6. feb. 2018 15:52