Syllabus/achievement requirements

We will use a book which is being written, and which will be published by Springer as soon as it is finished. I will soon put the current draft somewhere on the course web page.

The course book will be the draft of the forth-coming book

Peter C. ?lveczky:  Formal Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Systems: An introduction based on executable modeling in Maude.

I will find a way of distributing this book online ASAP.

Som hovedregel er "boken", alle forelesninger med foiler, ukeoppgaver med l?sningsforslag og obligatoriske oppgaver pensum. Fra kompendiet utg?r fotnoter og de markerte "ikke-pensum" delene.

English: The "book" given above are the main "textbook" for this course and  will be  available on the web.

As a rule, these lecture notes, as well as all the lectures, supplementary material, exercises with their solutions, and mandatory assignments define the core curriculum of the course. However, the footnotes and those parts of the course book that are explicitly marked as non-core reading are not required reading.

Pensum for INF4231

Pensum for INF4231 er som for INF3230, og i tillegg kommer temporallogikken og noe annet.


St?ttelitteratur/Supplementary resources

Filen prelude.maude leses inn automatisk av Maude og inneholder blant annet definisjonen av de innebygde modulene. Nyttig!

The file prelude.maude is read automatically by Maude and includes the definition of the built-in modules.

Maude-manualen anbefales for ? l?re mer om Maude og dens kommandoer.

The Maude manual is obviously a crucial resource.

Publisert 14. jan. 2016 09:17 - Sist endret 14. jan. 2016 09:17