
Publisert 27. mai 2013 14:57

Next seminar FRIDAY June 7, 10.15 room Java. We will continue looking at old exam problems, in particular exercises

214, 215, 216, 220, 231, and 234 from the lecture notes.

Publisert 24. mai 2013 17:52

Next seminar Monday May 27, usual time and place (Postscript, 12.15).

We will solve midterm and final exams 2007 (they are available further down on this message board ("Beskjeder")).


Publisert 13. mai 2013 14:24

The next seminar will take place FRIDAY May 24 at 10.15am in room Java. We will then discuss (Midterm first and then final) exam(s) from 2008.

Publisert 6. mai 2013 15:25

We will continue for a while discussing old exam sets. Next Monday (May 13) we will look at Exercise 2 from 2009 (for the exams themselves, see next 'beskjed') and then go backwards to exam 2008.

Since Monday May 20 is a holiday here, we might skip it or move it to a Friday. Stay tuned.


Publisert 6. mai 2013 15:13
Publisert 17. apr. 2013 15:29

Hi, the web site is a mess with the sudden change of system in the middle of the semester.


Anyways, we will have usual seminar on Friday, and starting Monday April 29, we will go through previous exams during normal lecture times.

So, starting Monday 29, seminars will be on Mondays. See the course plans for updated and exercises we will discuss!

Publisert 7. jan. 2013 21:51

Velkommen til INF3230 V'13. Vi starter mandag 14.1 kl 12.15.

H?per all n?dvendig informasjon (inklusive kompendium, som er p? nettet) er lett tilgjengelig p? kursets hjemmesider.

Viktig: For ? komme litt igang med kurset har vi en ekstra forelesning fredag 18.1 kl 10.15-12.00 (tiden for gruppeundervisning) i Seminarrom Python.


Welcome to INF3230. We start Monday Jan 14 at 12.15pm. We also have an extra lecture Friday Jan 18 at 10.15am in room Python to get a flying start in this course.