Velkommen til INF 3230. F?rste …

Velkommen til INF 3230. F?rste forelesning allerede mandag 12. januar kl 9.15 i Lille Auditorium, Ifi. Merk at det holdes en ekstra forelesning tirsdag 13. januar kl 12.15 i Rom 3A, Ifi.

Welcome to INF 3230. First lecture is Monday January 12 at 9.15am in the Lille Auditorium, Informatics Building. An "extra" lecture is held on Tuesday, January 13, at 12.15pm in Seminar Room 3A, Informatics Building.

Published Jan. 9, 2009 4:25 PM - Last modified June 5, 2009 3:32 PM