
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
23.01.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille auditorium, Ifi? Introduksjon til kurset; litt om signaturer? Slides from the lecture (in Norwegian)??
25.01.2006--------------------? --------------------? --------------------? Ingen oppgavegjennomgang denne dag (No colloqium today)?
30.01.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Likhetsspesifikasjoner? Slides (in Norwegian)

Obligatorisk oppgave 1 ut. Innleveringsfrist 13.2 (?)

Homework assignment 1 out. It is due Feb 13.?

01.02.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Rom 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang? Exercise set 1 (solutions)

(Can be done after the first lecture Jan 23)?

06.02.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Order-sorted spesifikasjoner og innebygde moduler ? Slides (in Norwegian)

Important: This lecture starts at 10.00 (not 9.15 or 10.15) due to "circumstances beyond my control"?

08.02.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Rom 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang? Problem set 2 (Solutions )?
13.02.2006Ingrid Yu? Lille aud., Ifi? Assosiativitet og kommutativitet; operasjonell semantikk? Slides (in Norwegian)

Innlevering oblig 1 for mandatory assignment 1_)

Obligatorisk oppgave 2 (frist 7.3 kl 14.00)

Mandatory homework assignment 2 in English Due March 7 at 2pm.?

15.02.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Rom 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang? Oppgavesett 3/Problem set 3 (Solutions )?
20.02.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Termination? Slides (in Norwegian)??
22.02.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Room 3B, Ifi? Exercises? Oppgavesett/problem set 4 (Solutions)??
27.02.2006Peter ?lveczky? ? Confluence? Slides (in Norwegian)


01.03.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Rom 3B, Ifi? Exercises? Oppgavesett 5/Problem set 5 (Solutions)??
06.03.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Equational logic and inductive theorems? Slides (in Norwegian)??
08.03.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Ifi, 3 B? Exercises? Oppgavesett 6/Problem set 6 (Solutions) ?
13.03.2006Peter ?lveczky? ? Intro to Part II and Rewriting logic? Slides (in Norwegian)


16.03.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Room 3 A, Ifi, 12.15--14.00? Exercises? Note the new time and place

Problem set 7 (Solutions)?

20.03.2006Peter ?lveczky? Ifi, lille aud? *Extra* lecture -- student-chosen selected topics? Slides (in Norwegian)

Answers to your questions, requests, and some exercises that you want me to explain for the midterm exam.

Please mail me topics/exercises to treat in this extra lecture!! ?

23.03.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Ifi, 3A, 12.15 -- 14.00? Seminar/Exercises? Comments on mandatory assignment 2. Maybe time for further questions???
24.03.2006EKSAMEN? ? ? Midttermin-eksamen, sannsynligvis kl 13.30, men dette forandrer seg fort, s? sjekk alltid universitets offisielle sider for tid og sted?
27.03.2006Ingrid Yu? Ifi, lille aud.? Rewriting logic? Slides (in Norwegian)?
30.03.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Room 3 A, Ifi, 12.15 -- 14.00? Exercises? Problem set 8 (can be solved after the lecture March 13)


03.04.2006Peter ?lveczky? Ifi, lille aud.? Distributed objects in Maude/Full Maude? Slides (in Norwegian)??
06.04.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Room 3A, Ifi, 12.15 --14.00? Exercises? Problem set 9


10.04.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud.,? Modeling communication in Maude (I)? Slides fra forelesning??
13.04.2006---------------------? ---------------------? ---------------------? Obligatorisk oppgave 3 er endelig ute. Kan l?ses etter forelesning 24.4. Innleveringsfrist 12.5.

Mandatory homework assignment 3 is finally available in English. Can be solved after the lecture April 24. Prelinary deadline May 12.?

17.04.2006-----------------------------? -----------------------------? -----------------------------? Ingen forelesning (p?skefri/Easter break)?
20.04.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Ifi 3A, 12.15-14.00? Exercises? Problem set 10



24.04.2006Ingrid Yu (?)? Ifi, lille aud? Modeling communication in Maude (II) /Alternating Bit Protocol and other protocols? Slides

Slides in English?

27.04.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Ifi 3A, 12.15-14.00? Exercises? Oppgavesett 11


01.05.2006------------------------------? ------------------------------? ------------------------------? Arbeiderbevegelsens stolte dag. Ingen forelesning.

Feast Day celebrating the proud achievements of socialism. No lectures?

04.05.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Ifi 3A, 12.15-14.00? Exercises? Oppgavesett 12

Problem Set 12 in English


08.05.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Two-phase protocol for distributed databases/Temporal properties (requirement spec's)? Slides (in Norwegian)

Full Maude specification of two-phase-commit

Chapter 9 of the lecture notes (about 2PC)

Chapter 10 (about temporal properties and validation of invariants)??

11.05.2006-----? -----? -----? No exercises today. Work with Oblig 3?
12.05.2006? ? ? Forel?pig frist obligatorisk oppgave 3

(Preliminary) deadline for mandatory homework assignment 3??

15.05.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Cryptographic protocols (NSPK authentication protocol)? Slides (in Norwegian)

File nspk.maude??

18.05.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Ifi, 3A, 12.15--14.00? Exercises? Oppgavesett 13 (l?sningsforslag)


Oppgavesett 14 (l?sningsforslag)??

22.05.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Summary of the course? Slides

(No new stuff presented, but rounds up the course and states the big picture and what we were supposed to have learnt)?

25.05.2006-------------------------? -------------------------? -------------------------? No seminar (Kristi Himmelfarts dag/Ascension Day)Notice that Problem Set 14 is due already May 18!?
01.06.2006Marius Einan Storeide? Ifi 3A, 12.15 - 14.00? Exercises? Oppgavesett 15??
06.06.2006Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud (?) at 13.15 (??)? Questions/Exercises? It seems like another lecture with YOUR questions and discussion of some previous exam problems was desired. Please let me know things I should cover in this lecture! I'll let you know which exam questions I will look at.?
08.06.2006EKSAMEN? Physics building (?)? 9.00-12.00? Eksamen Sjekk universitets offisielle sider for ? v?re sikker p? tid og sted.

Virker som om eksamen vil v?re i den store lesesalen i Fysikkbygget, men sjekk selv.

It seems like the exam will take place in the main reading room in the Physics building, but please confirm!

Lykke til / Good luck!?

Published Jan. 17, 2006 6:18 PM - Last modified June 7, 2006 9:45 PM