Teaching Plan / Undervisningsplan

Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
26.01.2017 Carsten Griwodz  OJD Seminarrom C Course overview  Introduction slides: PPTX, PDF
02.02.2017 Carsten Griwodz  OJD Seminarrom C Physical layer 

Physical layer slides: PPTX, PDF

Audio part 1, part 2

09.02.2017 Carsten Griwodz OJD Seminarrom C Link layer

Link layer slides: PPTX, PDF

Audio part 1, part 2

16.02.2017 Carsten Griwodz and Runa Barik OJD Seminarrom C

Link layer cont'd, introduction to QEmu and Mininet

Link layer slides: PPTX, PDF

Audio part 3

Release of mandatory assignment (oblig).

23.02.2017 Petter Bj?rbak KN Lille aid (1207) Guest Lecture Guest lecture slides: PPT
02.03.2017 Michael Welzl  KN Lille aid (1207) Network layer

Network layer slides: PDF

09.03.2017 Michael Welzl  KN Lille aid (1207) Network layer

Mandatory assignment (oblig) submission deadline, Release of Home Exam 1

16.03.2017 Michael Welzl  KN Lille aid (1207) Transport layer

Transport layer slides: PDF

23.03.2017 Michael Welzl  OJD Seminarrom C Transport layer (cntd.)


30.03.2017 Carsten Griwodz OJD Seminarrom C Application layer

Application layer slides: PPTX, PDF

Home exam 1 submission deadline, Release of Home Exam 2.

06.04.2017 Michael Welzl OJD Seminarrom C

New Internet Standards

New Internet Standards slides:  PDF
20.04.2017 Ozgu Alay KN Lille aid (1207) Wireless Communication

?Wireless Communication:  PDF

27.04.2017 Carsten Griwodz KN Lille aid (1207) Application layer  

App layer multimedia slides: PPTX, PDF (audio recording failed)

Home exam 2 submission deadline

04.05.2017 Carsten Griwodz KN Lille aid (1207)

Application layer

App layer multimedia slides continued: PPTX, PDF
11.05.2017 Michael Welzl KN Lille aid (1207) A critical look at the Internet / Alternative network architectures


slides for the alternative network architectures: PDF


18.05.2017 Both KN Lille aid (1207)



Things that are not covered in the Tanenbaum book

Part 1, Part 2


Publisert 30. nov. 2016 00:25 - Sist endret 18. mai 2017 08:45