Det blir ingen gruppetime i morgen, 8. desember. Lykke til p? eksamen!
Next week will be the last week of lectures. The lecture Non-classical Logics II will be repeated on Monday, and the lecture Non-clausal Connection Calculus is moved to Wednesday. We do not have time for the last of Jens Otten's lectures this semester.
There will be a repetition lecture on Wednesday 30th. The lecture on Monday 28th is cancelled.
Jens Otten's last two lectures will be in December. There will be repetition lectures on one or both of Nov 28 and Nov 30. Make sure to check the schedule for updates about repetition lectures.
Se Pensum/L?ringskrav for en oversikt over artiklene INF4171-studenter kan velge mellom. Vi vil holde muntlige h?ringer om disse artiklene mot slutten av November. Sende en epost til Andreas hvis du har sp?rsm?l om artiklene eller ?nsker ? v?re med p? seminar om den artikkelen du velger.
Oblig 2 ligger n? ute. Innleveringsfrist er torsdag 17. november klokken 23:59. Det er meningen at gruppel?rer skal gi gode hint til hvordan denne oppgaven kan l?ses, s? bruk gruppetimene godt.
Dagens forelesning er avlyst grunnet sykdom.
Source code for a parser for Oblig 1 can be downloaded at Thanks to Tore for uploading.
This course will be given in English upon request. Until the language has been settled, all messages will be given in English.
The book Elements of Logical Reasoning will form the core of our syllabus. Lectures will begin on Monday, 22nd of August, and group sessions on Thursday, 1st of September. Topics will be published in the schedule.