Mandatory 1
Those of you that have got a not-approved on Mandatory 1 will get one more chance: Deadline Oct 27.
We understand that there has been some uncertainties and misunderstandings on what to do in the mandatory exercise, so therefore one more chance.
Because many have got 'approved', those of you that try once more may be selected for an extra oral discussion on the solution that you submit.
To clarify: The interpreter shall be based upon a set of classes that define the objects that form the abstract syntax tree for a given ROBOL program. The abstract syntax trees for each of the test examples are simply to be made by generating the objects of the tree, i.e. you do not have to make a scanner and parser for ROBOL.
Publisert 16. okt. 2013 13:10
- Sist endret 17. okt. 2013 17:15