Exercise 2 - CFG
What do we mean by :
"Then include some simplified relatives as in
d) barnet som VP
e) barnet som NP TV
d) the child who VP
e) the child who NP TV"?
It means that the grammar should include these NPs as NPs and thereby recognize sentences like the following:
- barnet som smilte sov
- dyret som Kari likte sov
- Kari ga dyret som likte Ola en hest som smilte
- Kari likte dyret som barnet som Ola elsket likte
- osv.
- the child who smiled slept
- the child who Kari loved slept
- Kari gave the animal who loved Ola a horse who smiled
- Kari loved the animal who the child who Ola loved loved
- etc.
These are not all good English sentences but we have included them in our grammar. They aren't good since we have ignored the distinctions between 'who', 'whom', 'which', 'that' to not make the English variant more complex than the Norwegian.
Exercise 3
"Find a CNF grammar in CNF which covers the same constructions as my.cfg; call it cnf.cfg" should read
"Find a context-free grammar grammar (CFG) in CNF which covers the same constructions as my.cfg; call it cnf.cfg"