Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
15.01.2009Stephan Oepen (oe)? Seminarrom 3A, Informatikkbygningen? Motivation & Course Overview? Slide Copies

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 1

Computational Linguistics (Background)

Language Technology (Background)?

20.01.2009Johan Benum Evensberget (johanbev) & Stephan Oepen (oe)? 207? Common Lisp Essentials? Slide Copies

First Assignment

The Ultimate Editor (Background)

ACL Cheat Sheet (Background)

Seibel (2005) (Background)

Steele (1990) (Reference)?

22.01.2009oe? 3A? Finite State Machines? Slide Copies

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 2?

27.01.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Regular Expressions? Slide Copies

Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions for Lisp (Background)?

29.01.2009oe? 3A? Finite State Machines ? ?
03.02.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Tokenization? ?
04.02.2009? ? ? First Assignmnent Due?
05.02.2009oe? 3A? Fundamentals of Morphology? Slide Copies

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 3 (skip Sections 3.4.1, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9.1, and onwards)?

10.02.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Model Solution & More Lisp? Slide Copies

First Model Solution

Second Assignment?

12.02.2009oe? 3A? Context-Free Grammar? Slide Copies

Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapters 1 and 2 (skip Sections 2.8 and 2.9)

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 12 (optional; skip Section 12.4.3, 12.5, 12.7, and onwards)?

17.02.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Abstract Data Types? ?
19.02.2009oe? 3A? Context-Free Parsing? Slide Copies

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 13 (up to and including Section 13.4.1)?

23.02.2009? ? ? Second Assignmnent Due?
24.02.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Model Solution & CKY Parsing? Second Model Solution

Third Assignment

LKB Documentation (Background)?

26.02.2009oe? 3A? Chart Parsing? Slide Copies

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 13 (Sections 13.4.1, 13.4.2, and 13.4.3)?

03.03.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Chart Parsing? ?
05.03.2009oe? 3A? Towards Unification-Based Grammar? Slide Copies

Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapter 3?

08.03.2009? ? ? Third Assignmnent Due?
10.03.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Model Solution & Grammar Engineering? Third Model Solution

Fourth Assignment??

12.03.2009oe? 3A? The Logic of Typed Feature Structures? Slide Copies

Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapter 4 (up to and including Section 4.6.2)?

17.03.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Grammar Engineering? ?
19.03.2009oe? 3A? Complementation and Modification? Slide Copies?
24.03.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Grammar Engineering? ?
26.03.2009oe? 3A? Modification & Lexical Rules? Slide Copies

Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapter 8 (skip Sections 8.3 and 8.9 onwards)?

29.03.2009? ? ? Fourth Assignmnent Due?
31.03.2009johanbev? 207? Model Solution? Fourth Model Solution

Fifth Assignment?

02.04.2009? ? No Lecture? (EACL in Athens)?
07.04.2009? ? No Laboratory? (Easter Holiday)?
09.04.2009? ? No Lecture? (Easter Holiday)?
14.04.2009johanbev? 207? Grammar Engineering? ?
16.04.2009? ? No Lecture? (Illness)?
19.04.2009? ? ? Fifth Assignmnent Due?
21.04.2009johanbev & oe? 207? Model Solution & Esperanto? Fifth Model Solution

Esperanto Data Sheet

Sixth Assignment?

23.04.2009oe? 3A? Basics of Probability Theory? Slide Copies

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 14 (skip Sections 14.1.2, 14.4, and onwards)

Brief Introduction to Probability Theory (Background)?

28.04.2009johanbev & oe? 207? ? ?
30.04.2009oe? 3A? PCFGs and Statistical Parsing? Slide Copies?
05.05.2009johanbev & oe? 207? ? ?
10.05.2009? ? ? Sixth Assignmnent Due?
07.05.2009oe? 3A? Language and Complexity; Course Summary? Slide Copies

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 16 (skip Section 16.4)?

07.05.2009oe? 207? Esperanto Model Solution? Sixth Model Solution??
14.05.2009oe? 3A? Summary; Exam Preparation? Sample Exam?
Published Jan. 13, 2009 4:27 PM - Last modified June 9, 2009 7:16 PM