The slide copies from the …

The slide copies from the lecture today are available on the course page; please take some time to (a) read through the obligatory background reading (Chapter 3 of Sag, Wasow, and Bender, 2003; and soon Chapter 4 also), (b) compare the slide copies and starting grammar for the current exercise to the book (in same cases, we have further simplified things), and (c) aim to complete parts (1) through (at least) (5) of the current assignment prior to the laboratory next week. Remember that (on the IFI Linux machines) the shell command lkbdoc allows you to consult on-line documentation for the LKB software, i.e. essentially parts of the Copestake (2002) book. Please familiarize yourself with this documentation.

Publisert 10. apr. 2008 18:16 - Sist endret 27. juni 2008 23:17