We have found no less …

We have found no less than three (rather) minor glitches in the second part of the current assignment. First, the body of fundamental-rule() returns whatever agenda-push() returns; contrary to what we suggest in our calling example for fundamental-rule() on the assignment sheet, that return value will be the complete current agenda, i.e. a list whose first element should be very similar to what we show. Second, towards the end of part (B2), we fail to say the obivous: test your implementation of the generalized chart parser on a number of examples and compare to the results you get from the built-in LKB parser; the function to call for our own generalized parser is, predictably, parse(). Third, in part (B3) we have opted for a simplified notation of trees as lists: (S (NP kim) ...). This is different from the return value of our own function edge-to-tree(), because the leaf nodes are not wrapped into additional singleton lists. Thus, what we show on the assignmnet sheet is equivalent (albeit not identical) to what you would obtain through (edge-to-tree (first (parse ...))).

Publisert 5. mars 2008 19:28 - Sist endret 27. juni 2008 23:17