The class will be taught …

The class will be taught in English this term. The main textbook for the first part of the term is Jurafsky & Martin (2008), which we will make available electronically at no cost to students (there is no point buying the earlier, first edition). The second part of the class will use select chapters of Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003) (here too, it is the second edition we need, and the earlier first edition has hardly any value to this class). The book is available in limited numbers from the UiO library, but we strongly recommend you buy your own copy (e.g. through Akademika or Amazon). More information on background literature and course organization in the first, obligatory meeting this Thursday!

Publisert 14. jan. 2008 01:09 - Sist endret 27. juni 2008 23:17