UTAIN - Interactive fountain

UTAIN er en interaktiv fontene som lyser opp venterommet.

Lek med vann med enkle h?ndbevegelser, helt uten ber?ring!


Together with a research group at the University of Oslo, we have developed an interactive fountain. Using leap motion, we let the users interact with the fountain in an easy and fun way. The goal of this project was to develop a product that would improve the waiting room experience for thousands of kids who struggle with long lasting health issues.


Emneord: UTAIN, Interactive Fountain, Interaksjonsdesign, INF2260 Av Johannes Berggren, Gudbrand Schistad, Tiril Borge
Publisert 26. nov. 2014 07:44 - Sist endret 26. nov. 2014 08:59