Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
20.08.2012 Alma Culén  3437 Sem.rom C  Introduction/Project presentation  Intro slides for the course, Telenor projects, Realfagbiblioteket, Sintef, Schlumberger, School Museum, and Oslo Barnemuseum, Design for elderly
27.08.2012 Alma Culén  3437 Sem.rom C  Experimental Research  Slides for lecture 2 also contain contact emails for different projects. 
03.09.2012 Alma Culén  3437 Sem.rom C  Experimental Design  Slides for Lecture 3. Your assignment 1 is published both in Devilry and at the main course web page. Here is the paper on Ethics when experimenting with humans. 
10.09.2012 Sisse Finken  3437 Sem.rom C  Ethnography  Slides for lecture 4 on ethnography. 
17.09.2012 Amela Karahasanovic  3437 Sem.rom C  Usability Testing  Slides for lecture 5
24.09.2012 Asbjørn Følstad/ Alma Culén  3437 Sem.rom C  Living Labs/Working with Humans  Slides for Living Labs and for Lecture 6
01.10.2012 self study  wherever  Projects  Working on your projects 
08.10.2012 Alma Culén   3437 Sem.rom C  Statistical Analysis and Case Studies  Slides for Case Studies, ch7 and for Statistical analysis, ch 4
15.10.2012 Alma Culén   3437 Sem.rom C  Projects Presentations  Your Assignment 3 is due in Devilry on the 14th.

We will select in class, at random, 9 groups for this day and 9 for the 22nd. 

22.10.2012 Alma Culén  3437 Sem.rom C  Projects Presentations  Remaining 9 projects. 
29.10.2012 Jo Herstad  3437 Sem.rom C  Working with users with impairments  Jo´s lecture. Statistical analysis ch4 is updated with some new slides. See 8.10. Your assignment 4 is due in Devilry on the 28th. 
05.11.2012 Amela Karahasanovic   3437 Sem. rom C  Qualitative Analysis  Amela´s lecture
12.11.2012 Hani Murad  3437 Sem.rom C  Quanitative Data/Questionaires, ch 5  Hani will lecture for one hour. The second hour is reserved for you to ask questions about the assignments, projects etc. I will come to visit next Monday after Amela´s lecture in order to answer any questions you may have.

Your assignment 5 is due on the 11th.  

19.12.2012 Amela Karahasanovic  3437 Sem.rom C     
26.11.2012 Alma Culén  3437 Sem.rom C  Projects evaluation  End reports will be due in Vortex (visible on the main page for the course) on the 25th of November, midnight.

Project presentations for jury 

Published Aug. 17, 2012 7:02 PM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2013 2:13 PM