Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
22.08.2011Alma Culén? Smalltalk? Introduction to the Course? Kapittel 1 foilene er her. Vurderingen av oppgavene og frister er her. De leveres i Devilry. Assignment 1 ?
29.08.2011Alma Culén? Smalltalk? Experimental Research? Kapittel 2 foilene. Possible project descriptions are here. Assignment 2?
04.09.2011Alma Culén? Smalltalk ? Experimental Design? Kapittel 3 foilene. Assignment 3?
12.09.2011Sisse Finken? Smalltalk ? Ethnography? Chapter 9 slides. Assignment 4?
19.09.2011Amela Karahasanovic? SINTEF? Usability Testing? Chapter 10 slides, last slide contains Assignment 5.?
26.09.2011Jo Herstad? Smalltalk ? Participants with Impariments / Statistical Analysis? Chapter 15. Jo?s slides and chapter 4 Alma?s slides?
03.10.2011self study? wherever? Projects? Project week?
10.10.2011Alma Culén ? Smalltalk ? Statistical Analysis and Case Studies? Chapter 4, Chapter 7, Assignment 7, Case studies paper. Here are two articles for specially interested ones: one about HCI and use of statistical research (quite interesting and easy to read) and the second one is a rather typical example of the use of statistics in HCI?
17.10.2011Alma Culén ? Smalltalk ? Projects? Project presentations and feedback: two Telenor projects and 3 library projects. Great work!!! Feedback will be given before next Monday. Assignment 8 .?
24.10.2011Alma Culén? Smalltalk ? Projects? Project presentations and feedback. Please send me your ppts. Assignments 9 og 10?
31.10.2011Asbj?rn F?lstad/Culén? Smalltalk ? Living Labs / Working with Humans? Relevant Chapters 10 and 14 for Asbj?rn?s lecture on usability and living labs. Chapter 14 the second hour. Slides that Hani mentioned today on how to select users and more are here and the prison experiment website as well as video on TED (around minute 10). Also, a film The game of death speaks to the same (thanks, Gunnar)!?
07.11.2011Amela Karahasanovic ? Smalltalk ? Qualitative Analysis? Chapter 11 slides

Assignment 11: Research Design Exercise, page 303, Research Methods book?

14.11.2011Amela Karahasanovic? Smalltalk ? Automated Data Collection? Chapter 12, 13?
21.11.2011Alma Culén? Smalltalk ? Questionaires ? Chapter 5 slides. ?
28.11.2011Alma Culén? Smalltalk ? Interviews and exam preparation? Chapter 8 slides. ?
Publisert 12. sep. 2011 14:45 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2011 10:59