If you would like to deliver a video with your report, please upload it to Youtube or Vimeo first(if you do not wish for others to have access to it, mark it as private video). Then include the link to the video (people who do get the link can watch your video) into your report and deliver via Devilry. If this is problematic with respect to your clients, please invite me, Amela, Joshi and Hani to a dropbox with your video. Videos are too large for email, so please avoid that. Thank you, Alma
Lyst til ? bli gruppel?rer? Ledige stillinger for v?rsemesteret 2012. S?knadsfrist 1.12.2011. Se utlysningsteksten
I would like to say this again: please prepare for the exam by reviewing your book, and not your own projects only. The questions on the exam will be related to your projects, but will probably not be around something you have already said in your report, but rather around something you could have, so you need to know the class material.
From Amela: 'M?te med Telenor grupper – tirsdag 1.11.2011 kl 11:00 p? SINTEF; status og planer for evaluering; minst en representant for hver gruppe m? komme'.
On Thursday, 27. October is IFI-dagene. Your usual group room will be in use and as you know all classes are canceled. Hani would like to have group meeting on Friday 28th from 10:15-12 in AWK 3118 instead. Please use the opportunity if you need help with the material. I am away for a conference and will not be available as usual for questions, so please send them to Joshi or Hani. Hope you will enjoy IFI-days, and see you on Monday. Cheers, Alma
The comments I sent, I sent to one represetnative from each group (ususally the one whose address I had from before). Please share with each other. Thanks, Alma
Some extra meterial on descriptive statistics and experiments. For Usability and Apps design you can take a look at Yggdrasil 2011 conference organized just around that.
Hei! kan jeg, v?r s? snill f? presentasjoner fra alle grupper? De som har sent, trenger selvsagt ikke ? sende inn igjen. Alle skal f? tilbakemeldinger idag, men jeg vil gjerne ha ppts! Alma
Det var OK med noen utsettelser p? oppgave forrige uke, men resten m? v?re i tiden. Ingen unntak ut?ver sykdom.
Here are the presentations dates for your groups.
Hei! Eksamen er n? satt opp for 5. og 6. desember. Jeg vet at det er 3 av dere som har hjemmeeksamen den 6. og 11 av dere som har skriftlig eksamen den 5. I mellomtiden, finnes det ingen andre muligheter f?r 19. desember, alle andre dager er det mange flere som har noe. Vi finner en ordning med de 14 p? mandag etter forelesningen. Jeg skal sette opp lister over grupper snart, s? sjekk f?r mandag slik at vi kan pr?ve ? f? endelige lister s? snart som mulig.
Her er en oppdatert dokument med hva b?r v?re med p? presentasjoner den 17 og 24 oktober, samt i den avlutende innlevering av prosjektet den 27. november.
Please remember that next week is the project week. You should be working on your projects. If you have any questions regarding the progress of your project, please take contact with me or with your group teachers. Whatever you are working with, remember that you will need to be testing it throughout November, so plan for it already now (make sure you will have things to test)
Reminder to Telenor groups: Meeting with Telenor is tomorrow, 20.9.2011 12:45 sharp. 'Telenor Fornebu' bus station [Telenor’s side], bus 31 or 23 see One or two members of each group should meet. Don’t be late! We cannot wait for anybody. Prepare slides (5-10 min each group: group members, ideas, approach and plan). Cheers
REMEMBER that the lecture today is in SINTEF. We are meetiing in front of the main entrance at 12 and heading there. For those who know where Sintef is, you can wait there in front of the main entrance at 12:10ish. Cheers, Alma
Hei! In Assignment 4 you can choose one of the options: mini ethnography at some public transportation stop, followed by a scenario for use of information you collected or mini-ethnography in the classroom (quite like the one you did with Sisse), but followed by a scenario for use of collected info in order to design a learning tool. My understanding is that not everybody got to do the info gathering- therefore this opportunity with the same/similar assignment. If too confusing,due to many different roles in the class case, chose the traffic one.
We have all together come to the conclusion that the new table does not work for us. Now, everything is nicely put into a table like you used to have (Detaljert Undervisningsplan). Much better for everyone I hope. It is easier to get all the details at once. Cheers, Alma
TELENOR grupper, vennligst les brief fra Telenor. Da er briefen der for dere, vi trenger kun kule navn p? prosjekter, medlemmer av grupper og hvordan skal dere dele oppgaven mellom de tre grupper. Alts? kort brief for hver gruppe.
What is a design brief? This is what it would contain in the world outside. For you, please deliver just a problem statement. Here is an example (Vinderen group has delivered their brief already): 6th graders at Vinderen school would like to have means to summarize highlights of the week. They would like to use iPads to create sort of a news letter every week. The newsletter should be interesting for them to read and should have something on the student of the week (one is chosen every week), something on material covered at school and some social bits. Media should include text, pictures, videos and sound. Focus should be on the ease of use (they should need no adult help to create the content). In addition to the brief, please put the names of all group members and their user names. Give your future project a title. Cheers, Alma
N? kan frister for innleveringene og teksten til innleveringene finnes i en separat tabell. F?lg lenken til Individuelle innleveringene som ligger rett under Eksamen, til venstre for Beskjeder.
Om 2 uker, mandag 19. september, m?tes vi foran small talk, men drar til Sintef for forelesningen. Vi m?tes 12:05, slik at vi har tid til ? komme presis ditt (12:15). De som ikke kommer i tide kan ha problemer med ? komme inn i Sintef. Vi for ogs? omvisning av laboratoriet for brukertesting.
Alle som har problemer med ? logge inn eller levere i Devilry kan sende oppgaven til Samme frist gjelder.
Heiya! Vi skal bruke Devilry for innleveringene deres. Siden dette er helt nytt for meg, og jeg er ikke sikker p? hvor lang tid det tar ? sette opp, fristen for den f?rste innleveringen er september 4, kl. 24:00. Alma
Hei! Jeg har brukt tabellen av den nye typen for ? vise innhold i forelesningene. Den viser fremtidige forelesninger, men dere kan velge en lenke i bunnen av tabellen hvor det st?r "Vis tidligere undervisning". Da f?r dere lenkene til foilene og oppgaven :)