Gesteforelesning med Chris Mitchell fra Microsoft

Tirsdag 28. oktober har vi gleden av ? ?nske Chris Mitchell fra
Microsoft velkommen som gjesterforeleser for studentene p? INF2220!
Tidspunkt: 11:00 -12:00. (Det er vanlig forelesning fra klokken 10:15)


Current search engines rely on elementary data structures, but not the
ones you think. Search engines have to balance many different access
patterns by users and internal system operations. We'll explore the
industry standard inverted index and supporting data structures around
it. In addition algorithms play a key role in ensuring quick access
for users and cost effective operations.

My talk with start with general inverted indexes, but also cover some
specific FAST implementation details.

Christ Mitchell is a Principal Software Design Engineer for Microsoft
working at Microsoft Developer Center Norway in Oslo on FAST
Enterprise Search technologies, which enables search across
Microsoft's suite of enterprise software like Microsoft SharePoint,
Microsoft Exchange Server, and Microsoft Office365 cloud offerings.
Chris focuses on performance optimization of queries and big data
analytics of the Office365 cloud offering. Prior to working on FAST,
Chris worked for 10 years on Microsoft Exchange Server in Seattle, WA.
Within the scope of performance optimization, Chris worked primarily
in reduction of Disk I/O and storage costs. Chris attended the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he studied Computer
Engineering in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.

Publisert 14. okt. 2014 12:00 - Sist endret 24. okt. 2014 14:14