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Det er uklart n? i starten om lydkvaliteten er tilstrekkelig god n?r foreleser beveger seg bort fra PCen som gj?r lydopptaket. Hvis det er problemer med lydkvaliteten, send mail til foreleser p? og angi hvor i opptaket det er problemer.
23. august, intro til kurset
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
23. august, 1. del av kap. 1
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
25. august, oppgave 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
25. august, 2. del av kapittel 1
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
30. august, oppgave 1.4, 1.12
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
30. august, 1. del av kapittel 2
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
1. september, oppgave 2.1, 2.4, 2.8, 2.3
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
1. september, 2. del av kapittel 2
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
6. september, oppgave 2.7, 2.14, 2.15
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
6. september, 1. del av kapittel 3
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
8. september, oppgave 3.20, 3.23, 3.28
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
8. september, 2. del av kapittel 3
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
13. september, oppgave 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 3.7
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
13. september, 1. del av kapittel 4
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
15. september, oppgave 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
15. september, 2. del av kapittel 4
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
20. september, oppg 4.4-4.6, 1. del av kapittel 5
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
22. september, oppg 5.6, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
22. september, 2. del av kapittel 5
Opptaket mangler p? grunn av en teknisk feil. Se beskrivelsen her for ? se hvilke foiler og tema som ble gjennomg?tt.
29. september, oppg 5.29, 5.39
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
29. september, siste del kap 5, 1. del app A
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
4. oktober, siste del app A
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
4. oktober, oppgave A.1, A.4
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
6. oktober, oppgave 5.14, A.14
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
6. oktober, 1. del kap 6
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
18. oktober, oppgave 5.18, 6.7
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
18. oktober, 1. del av kap 7
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
25. oktober, oppg 6.10, 6.11, 7.1, 7.2
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
25. oktober, oppg 7.2, andre del kap 7
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
27. oktober, oppg 7.3, 7.10
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
27. oktober, siste del kap 7
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
1. november, oppg 7.12, 7.25
Det er en teknisk feil med disse opptakene. Bildet er statisk fra 35 sekunder og ut forelesningen. MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
1. november, kap 9
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
3. november, oppg 9.3, 9.4, 9.6
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
3. november, f?rste del app. E
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
8. november, oppg E.21, E.22
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
8. november, siste del app. E
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
10. november, kapittel 8
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
10. november, oppg. 8.1, 8.3, 8.4
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
15. november, oppg. 8.5, 8.14, 8.16, E.40
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
17. november, modellering av smittsomme sykdommer
Opptaket er lite brukbart p? grunn av tekniske problemer i auditoriet. Opptakene med bilde er uten lyd, og lyden finnes i et separat opptak. Del 1, bilde, MP4 (480p) Del 1, lyd, MP3 Del 2, bilde, MP4 (480p) Del 2, lyd, MP3 Det anbefales ? i stedet se p? forelesningen fra 16. november 2015, som ligger her. Gjennomgangen av smittemodellering begynner etter ca 18 minutter, s? den er en del kortere enn ?rets gjennomgang, men dekker samme tema.
29. november, eksamensgjennomgang del 1
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
29. november, eksamensgjennomgang del 2
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
6. desember, eksamensgjennomgang del 1
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)
6. desember, eksamensgjennomgang del 2
MP4 with Smart Player (480p) MP4 with Smart Player (720p) MP4 with Smart Player (1080p) MP3 (Audio Only)