The final meeting, originally set for 26.11, then 3.12, will be on Monday 7.12 at 14.15 at IFI, DSB-group (4. floor). Topics: Questions regarding the exam and concerning the previous years' exams.
The PDF version of the Seismology lecture and its exercise is now on the web.
Note that the summary lecture on 26.11 has been postponed by one week to 3.12
The coming thursday 19.11.2009, the lecture on Seismology will be in Geology building room 114 "Skolestua".
A PDF version handout showing the contents of the Medical imaging lecture (Nov 12) is now available for downloading in the "detailed teaching plan" section.
Final written exam will be on 14 December 9.00-12.00 in room 3D (Informatics building).
The second seismic lecture on thursday 05.11.2009 will be in Geology building room 219.
The obligatory exercise is now on the web.
The coming Wednesday 28.10.2009 there will be exercise solving class in 3C Informatikkbygningen and on Thursday 29.10.2009 the lecture for seismics will take place in Geology building Auditorium II.
The medical imaging lecture on Thursday 15. October will be only 2 hours (9.15-11.00). It will be followed up on Wednesday 21. October (12.15-15.00) by a hands-on training and demo session in ultrasound imaging at GE Vingmed Ultrasound in 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken on one of the latest 3D scanners in the Vivid-series.
There will be exercise solving on Wednesday 9th of september 12:15 -15:00, 3C Informatikkbygningen
Ninety pages of text for the two lectures on geometrical optics is now accessible, together with the notes for the two tectures.
The first lecture will take place on Thursday 27 August.