
Published May 23, 2023 12:17 PM

We will have the project presentations during this week's lecture, i.e. on Thursday 25. May, at 12:15-14:00.

So please prepare a small (10 min.) presentation that should include:

  • A quick (2-4 min.) presentation of the data, focus question and approach you have chosen
  • The rest of the time should be used to focus on something interesting you have encountered during your project work (so far). This can for instance be a difficult problem with the datasets, something that is particularly challenging with your data, or interesting use of a technique or technology in your work. You can also use the time to describe a problem that you want help with or want to discuss. Think of me and your fellow students as colleagues and discussion partners :)

More info on the presentation can be found on the Wiki. Good luck!

Note: Th...

Published May 19, 2023 1:43 PM

Remember that the deadline for asking for feedback on (the current state) your project is today, 19. May (23:59). Please make a pull request, assign me to it, and email me a link to your repo, and I will give you feedback next week, but before the lecture on Thursday.

Asking for feedback is optional, but recommended :)

-- Leif Harald

Published May 10, 2023 1:25 PM

The deadline for making a merge request and asking for feedback on the current state of your project was originally set to be Thursday this week (11. May). However, I realize that it might be a bit too short time from you got the project description to now, so I will extend the deadline with one week until Friday 19. May (23:59) (However, note that both 17. and 18. are holidays).

On this week's lecture I will also show the steps for making a merge request in Git :)

Good luck with your projects, and please feel free to ask if anything is unclear!

-- Leif Harald

Published Apr. 12, 2023 10:08 AM

This week's lecture I will go through the solution to the mandatory assignment (oblig). The lecture will not be recorded, as the oblig may be reused later. Please feel free to ask questions or comments on the oblig during the lecture :)

-- Leif Harald

Published Mar. 30, 2023 2:40 PM

The screencast for this week's lecture on saturation is now published. Unfortunately, the mic ran out of battery half way into the first part, so there is no sound for the last 20-25 mins. of Part1. For the second part, I changed to a different mic, so the sound is fine.

Next lecture will be in two weeks (12. April). Happy Holidays! :)

-- Leif Harald

Published Mar. 29, 2023 1:34 PM

I saw that in the semester plan I had set this week's lecture topic to be the solution to the mandatory assignment. However, as many of you are still working on it, I have moved that lecture to the week after Easter. This week's topic will therefore be on saturation.

-- Leif Harald

Published Mar. 10, 2023 2:26 PM

I have now added a couple of more exercises for mappings (one on Triplelore and direct mappings and one on R2RML and Ontop). They can be found on the wiki-page for Mappings.

Good luck :)

-- Leif Harald

Published Mar. 9, 2023 3:14 PM

The mandatory exercise (oblig) is now published and available here. The deadline for the first attempt is Thursday 23. March at 23:59. There are two attempts at this oblig, and the feedback will be given in Github as a code reivew :) Please read the instructions in the oblig text carefully.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me!

Good luck! :)

- Leif Harald

Published Feb. 27, 2023 3:50 PM

TripleLore is now updated and can generate mappings that can be used by other programs to query (with SPARQL) the generated triplestore. I have now updated the following:

We will learn more about Ontop and R2RML in the Mappings lecture, but the weekly exercise gives you all the information you need to solve it :) Good luck!

-- Leif Harald

Published Feb. 24, 2023 4:07 PM

Triplelore's query-mode does not work on newer Java-versions (8+), as one of the libraries depend on deprecated code removed from JVM after Java 8.

I am working on a fix, and will release a new version next week. The new release will delegate the query-answering to a third-party program, and only provide input-files for this program (this will also be a much more robust solution). I will therefore update the documentation and slides after the new release is published :)

This means that you should wait with doing the exercises 1.2 for the Semantics and reasoning lecture until the new release has come.

Have a nice weekend!

-- Leif Harald

Published Jan. 26, 2023 3:17 PM

The screencasts for Today's lectures are now published on the schedule.

-- Leif Harald

Published Jan. 4, 2023 9:51 AM

I hope you all have had a good and relaxing holiday, and a happy New Year's!

The first lecture in IN5800 this semester is Thursday January 26. 12:15-14:00. The first lecture will give an overview of the course with some practical information on mandatory assignments and project work.

If you are interested in browsing the course's content (slides, weekly exercises, etc.) then look here:

Looking forward to seeing you all! :)

-- Leif Harald