Problems with Vortex


Regarding the problems with Vortex and uploading your assignments; I have now contacted the Vortex people to see what is going wrong with the folders for deliveries! But if worst comes to worst, e-mail me the assignments, and I'll upload them for you :) 

Here is some stuff I need from you guys:

  1. Name on the file itself and filetype:
    Filetype: PDF
    file name for group assignment:

    file name for the individual assignment:
  2. I need one person from each group to send me the group assignment and all the group members individual assignments in a zipped folder called 


I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Oh, and for the last people who were missing a group to join, shoot me a message because I think we might have found the missing piece of the puzzle!

Kind regards,


Publisert 16. sep. 2024 23:08 - Sist endret 16. sep. 2024 23:08