About assignment 1 and peer review

Please send your answers to assignment 1 to mysc@uio.no by 21/09/23 23:59. Do not mind the Vortex-system just yet, I will give you a heads up when/if I manage to give you access to upload files. In the meantime, I will upload assignment 1 for you. All groups will get their own folder where the assignments can be uploaded. If/when you get access, we will walk you through how to upload files, so please do not worry about it now. 

I said that the peer-review overviews would be posted today (18/09/23), but they will not be posted before tomorrow or Wednesday, so that anyone who has not yet sent me the details on their group members gets a chance to do this before I post the overview.


Best regards,


Publisert 18. sep. 2023 15:50 - Sist endret 18. sep. 2023 15:50