from import DxlIO import pypot, time find_angles = False def calculate_speeds_and_max_time(goal_positions, current_positions, base_speed=80): """ Calculate speeds for synchronized motion and the required maximum time. :param goal_positions: List of target positions for each motor. :param current_positions: List of current positions for each motor. :param base_time_per_degree: Time it takes to move 1 degree at the base speed (e.g., 0.1 seconds at speed 10). :param base_speed: Base speed corresponding to the given time-per-degree. :return: (List of speeds, maximum time required for the movement) """ distances = [abs(goal - current) for goal, current in zip(goal_positions, current_positions)] max_distance = max(distances) if max(distances) != 0 else 1 # Avoid division by zero # Calculate speeds for each motor, proportional to their distances speeds = [int((distance / max_distance) * base_speed) for distance in distances] # Calculate time-per-degree for each speed times = [ distance * (0.9 / base_speed) * (base_speed / speed) if speed > 0 else 0 for distance, speed in zip(distances, speeds) ] # Use the maximum time among all motors max_time = max(times) if times else 0 print(speeds, max_time) return speeds, max_time print(pypot.dynamixel.get_available_ports()) # with DxlIO('/dev/tty.usbserial-AL02L1UN', baudrate=1000000) as dxl_io: with DxlIO('/dev/tty.usbserial-AH01FPVO', baudrate=1000000) as dxl_io: # motor_IDs = dxl_io.scan() # print(motor_IDs) # configure motors motor_IDs = [1,2,3,4] current_positions = dxl_io.get_present_position(motor_IDs) # Initial positions of motors # Define goal positions goal_positions_list = [ ([150, -32, -125, -45], 3), ([0, -71, -85, 50], 0), ([0, 46, 113, 116], 0), ([0, 31, 125, -70], 0), ([0, -68, 75, -25], 2), # touchdown ([0, -50, 115, 0], 2), # show off ([0, -72, 75, -25], 2), # pick up again ([0, -55, 90, -15], 0), # lift up ([150, -55, 90, -15], 10), #move sideways ([150, -65, 100, -10], 1), # touchdown ] num_motors = len(motor_IDs) print("Found", num_motors, "motors with current angles", dxl_io.get_present_position(motor_IDs)) # dxl_io.set_torque_limit(dict(zip(motor_IDs, ([0,0,0,100])))) # dxl_io.set_moving_speed(dict(zip(motor_IDs, [100,100,100,50]))) # time.sleep(2) # dxl_io.set_goal_position(dict(zip(motor_IDs, [0,0,0,0]))) # time.sleep(5) # dxl_io.set_goal_position(dict(zip(motor_IDs, [0,0,0,90]))) # dxl_io.set_torque_limit(dict(zip(motor_IDs, ([0,0,0,0])))) # time.sleep(20) if find_angles: dxl_io.set_torque_limit(dict(zip(motor_IDs, ([0,0,0,0])))) while True: print(dxl_io.get_present_position(motor_IDs)) else: # configure motors, set goal position as present goal position to not use last goal position. dxl_io.set_goal_position(dict(zip(motor_IDs, dxl_io.get_present_position(motor_IDs)))) time.sleep(1) dxl_io.set_angle_limit(dict(zip(motor_IDs, ([(-150, 150), (-110, 110), (-128, 128), (-128, 128)])))) dxl_io.set_moving_speed(dict(zip(motor_IDs, ([10,10,10,10])))) dxl_io.set_torque_limit(dict(zip(motor_IDs, ([15,100,100,100])))) time.sleep(2) for goal_positions, extra_time in goal_positions_list: # Calculate speeds and dynamic sleep time speeds, max_time = calculate_speeds_and_max_time(goal_positions, current_positions) speeds[0] *= 4 # Set the moving speeds for each motor dxl_io.set_moving_speed(dict(zip(motor_IDs, speeds))) # Command the motors to move to their goal positions dxl_io.set_goal_position(dict(zip(motor_IDs, goal_positions))) # Update current positions to the new goal current_positions = goal_positions.copy() # Sleep dynamically based on the maximum time required, plus extra time time.sleep(max_time + extra_time) dxl_io.set_torque_limit(dict(zip(motor_IDs, ([0,0,0,0])))) time.sleep(2)