Test setup for BLDC motors

By ?ystein ?verb?

This assignment is the first assignment in the project of IN5590. The project will span over the assignment 4 to assignment 7. The project will end in a open demo where we invite all staff members and students at ROBIN to attend.

The aim for this assignment is to make a description and a sketch for the project.

1) Own topic

I want to make a test setup for various BLDC motors, which is essential for my master's thesis. My thesis focuses on creating a hybrid PWM control system that combines Sine-PWM (SPWM) and Space-Vector PWM (SVPWM) to control a BLDC motor. By merging these two techniques, I aim to achieve more efficient energy consumption in BLDC motors.

To determine if my hybrid PWM technique works effectively, I need a test setup to measure energy consumption. This is the key motivation behind creating the test setup for BLDC motors. Without it, I won't be able to validate the power usage of my design.

2) Goals

The primary goals of the setup are:

3) Sketch

Sketch of design

4) Bill of materials

Table with the most important components for your setup.

Item Description Quantity Alerady have
1 BLDC motors 1 Yes
2 Direction swtictes 2 No
3 Power supply 1 No
4 Current/Power Sensor 1 Yes
5 Encoder 1 No
6 Guide track +-2 meters x 2 1 No
7 Screw shaft +-2 meters 1 No
7 Plexiglass/Transparent Plastic 1 No
7 Maybe arduino for logging and control 1 No