Dexterous Humanoid Hand

By Matteo Brosstad Greco

1) Modern prostetics

I wish to replicate a human hand that can move and function much like a human hand by the use of actuators similar to muscle and tendons. Modern prostetics are quite advanced and i want to make an attempt at recreating such prostetics.

2) Milestones

  1. Make index finger that is actuated by actuators similar to muscle and tendons.
  2. Achive a workspace similar to a human finger.
  3. Create thumb
  4. create rest of fingers.
  5. Controled the hand by sensors on another hand to mimic movements.

3) Sketch

Creating a whole hand is quite complicated and also requires a lot of materials, so to start we will attempt a single finger (index finger) and scale up if possible. If needed the rest of the fingers can use a simpler design (fig2), though the thumb and index are the fingers that are the most utilized so they should use the complicated design (fig1). The design i will attempt to recreate is the one found in this article



4) Bill of materials

Items 1 and 2 are the most important, after they are achived the rest of the items depend on if we have reduceced the scope (2 wires) or atempt to use the same advanced design on all fingers.

Item Description Quantity
1 (Index) Nitinol wire or similar 3
2 (Thumb) Nitinol wire or similar 3
3 (Middle) Nitinol wire or similar 2 or 3
4 (Ring) Nitinol wire or similar 2 or 3
5 (Pinky) Nitinol wire or similar 2 or 3