We are finishing up the semester with a visit to FFI December 10th. You should have received an invitaiton on e-mail. There's also some info on Mattermost.
The visit is not mandatory.
We hope to see you there!
-IN5590 faculty
We are coming to a conclusion in our "Rapid prototyping of robotic systems" course. Hence, we want to show off what the students have worked on this semester. The demonstration will be set up like a conference, where each student has their own stand. This means that you do...
Since nobody using the walking hub showed up for yesterdays lab session, we did'nt go through how to use the walking hub. We've set up some suggested timeslots for a walktrhough. See:
Not applicable for those not using the walking hub.
There will be a mandatory status update on your projects October 25 during the lab session.
Read more here.
We look forward to see your progress!
Assessment of Assignment 3 can be found here.
Assessment of Assignment 2 can be found here.
Today's lab session is not in the schedule due to intensive week in IN5490. However, Mats and Vegard will be available if you have questions on assignment 3.
Assessment of Assignment 1 can be found here.
We've stocked up on screws nuts and washers in lab 4318. See more info here.