IN[59]570 Exercise Session 7

Petra, charta, forcipe

Joachim Tilsted Kristensen

University of Oslo, March 23, 2023

General feedback (Oblig 2).

Rock, Paper Scissors.

(The following exercises are based on an assignment formulated by Ken Friis Larsen ( for a course at The University of Copenhagen).

This exercise is about making a game server for the rock--paper--scissors game. A game of rock--paper--scissors is a best-of-$N$ rounds, where the game consist ends when a player wins $N/2$ rounds.

The game server consists of a game broker and a number of game coordinators. The broker takes care of matching up players, and then assign a (perhaps newly started) coordinator when two players have been matched up. The coordinator orchestrates a game (consisting of a number of rounds) between two players.

Implement two factory objects called Broker and Coordinator.

The Broker should have a method queue[rounds : integer] -> [game : Coordinator] , that players may use to queue up at the server.

The Coordinator should have three methods rock[] -> [resolution], paper[] -> [resolution] and scissors[] -> [resolution].

Start by choosing a proper way of resolving a round. Should Coordinator be a monitor? what is a suitable type for resolution and so on.


Define a class NPC[Broker] that queues up different players. Find a suitable object representation of a rock--paper--scissors strategy.

Now, you can play rock paper scissors via remote method invocation with NPCs placed around planet lab, you can also set up games between NPCs to see which strategies beat eachother {^_^}.

Happy coding.

Home Exam 1.

If you pick a couple of integers $z$, $w$ and $d$ to have the properties $w < d$, $1 < z < 2^w - 1$. Then

$h(x) = ( (z \cdot x)\ mod\ 2^w )\ div\ 2^{w-d}$

is a 2-universal hash function with $2^w$ bit integers as its domain, and $2^d$ integers as its range.

It takes little effort to realize that this function can be implemented in C as follows:

int hash(T x) {
  return ((unsigned)(z * hashCode(x))) >> (w-d);

The interested reader may consult Mikkel Thorup's "high speed hashing for integers and strings" to find out more about universality and hash functions that run fast, but today, I will just give a brief explaination of why that is, and why that is useful.