Dear All,

thanx to everyone who took the Oral Exam today - you all did good/fine.

To calculate your final grade, i need to have the grades for both HE1 and HE2 for you.

HOWEVER, there is a minor problem that I need your help to overcome:

We used to merely grade the home exams ourselves, but now we have to have you submit in Inspera.
That is good, because then we grade anonymously.
The grades for HE1 and, now also, HE2 are on Inspera.

However, that means that I CANNOT calculate your FINAL grade right now - because I do not know your candidate number in Inspera! Now that the grades HAVE been given for HE1 and HE2, there should not be a problem with letting me know your candidate number.

IF you send me the number, i can send you the grade.


PS. I can see that EVERONE has passed :-)

Published June 1, 2023 10:23 PM - Last modified June 1, 2023 10:23 PM