Piazza for IN5570/IN9570
UiO does not allow us to use Piazza for official communication in any course mainly due to how it treats your personal information. However, many students are, despite this, happy to use Piazza.
We have therefore decided to open a "class" on Piazza for IN5570/IN9570 but we do not require anyone to use it. We will try to monitor the questions and will give answers as appropriate. If our answers contain information relevant to more than one student, we will publish the answer on the official course webpage at uio.no.
Signup page is here (IN9570 participants, just use the IN5570 class): piazza.com/uio.no/spring2020/in5570
For more info concerning why Piazza is not approved, see: /tjenester/it/ny-tjeneste/skytjenester/ferdigstilt/piazza.html (Norwegian only: essentially, Piazza is NOT approved for official use at UiO because of the way it treats your personal information.)
-- Eric