On-Line Lectures and Laboratories

We are beginning to see more clearly about the path ahead: For IN5550, we expect it will be comparatively ‘easy’ to hold laboratories and lectures on-line, as well as to complete obligatory assignments and the final projects remotely.  We have already lightened the lecture schedule and assignment load and expect to stick to the original schedule for the project-based exam.  Working in groups remains a viable option (we think), though just now groups should probably not expect to work together through in-person meetings.

Assuming everyone has Internet access at home, our primary communication platform for lectures and laboratories (including interactive elements and individual consultations) will be zoom, which is available for all common operating systems, including on smart phones and tables.  The university provides a campus-wide license (which we believe also covers students, i.e. everyone with a UiO account), but even the no-cost, unlicensed version of the client will be sufficient to participate in lectures and laboratories (sometimes called ‘webinars’ in zoom).  Everyone, please look into getting a functional zoom client before the start of this coming week, and please experiment a little with its functionality.  Lectures will run in their regular slot, but (unlike earlier) we will now make available zoom recordings for download after each lecture.

Regarding working remotely on Saga, we sincerely hope that everyone has ssh(1) access sorted out from before.  There is no shortage of solutions, and it should be possible to both gain text-only command line access to Saga or use X forwarding (e.g. using the -Y switch to ssh(1)) to run graphical interfaces remotely.  Your mileage may vary, probably closely correlated to available network bandwidth and latency from where you work.

Published Mar. 17, 2020 3:58 PM - Last modified Mar. 17, 2020 4:04 PM