You can now find previous exam exercises in the folder undervisningsmateriale/examexercises. Solution hints are in a subfolder under examexercises.
Today's lecture is cancelled due to health issues.
We pick it up next week.
Please note that for the lecture Wednesday 6th October,
we are back in seminar room ”Caml”(3438 OJD)
You can now sign up for this course on piazza using the following link:
We encourage you to answer other student's questions, but only give hints, and no full solution to Mandatory exercises.
But this is a good place to get help with tasks that you struggle with.
The missing Mandatory 1 submission in Devilry has now been created for IN 5520. PhD-student: we are waiting for studadm to create IN 9520 in devilry, please wait until you can submit.
I have some problems with Adobe PDF writer, and have not been able to create a PDF for today's lecture yet, but I have uploaded last years slides in the mean time. It will be fixed, but possibly after the lecture.
Use images from
On Wednesday 18/9, the lecture is given in KN's "Lille auditorium". Same time as usual: 10:15 - 12:00.
- Fritz
Please note that the lecture this week and the next is in
Caml (3438 OJD), Wednesday 10:15 - 12:00 !
- Fritz
The first lecture is Wednesday August 21 in room C.
Groups will start the week after.
The new lecture times is wednesdays 12.15-12, with group sessions tuesday 12.15-14.