IN5500 Exam Schedule

Hi All!

As promised, here is the information you need about the exam schedule:

  • Date: Wednesday, 31st May 2022
  • Place: Seminar room Perl
  • Time:
    • 10.00 – 10.25: Rameen Khan
    • 10.35 – 11.00: Nivethika Ganeshan
    • 11.20 – 11.45: Mats Kolstad
    • 11.55 – 12.20: Fay Haugrud
    • 14.00 – 14.25: Emma Tvinnereim
    • 14.35 – 15.00: Elise H??y
    • 15.10 – 15.35: Alina Krogstad

Looking forward to it!

Best regards,


Published May 10, 2023 3:30 PM - Last modified May 10, 2023 3:30 PM