Teaching on May 6th and a few other messages

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow is the last regular lecture before the exam, so the reading notes you submit today will be your last – huuurray! The questions will be up tomorrow by 9:00 (I’ll set a reminder this time), and we’ll meet as usual at 15:00 in Zoom. The groups for tomorrow are:

Group 1: Karl-Otto, Viljar, Anna, Bj?rn-Andreas

Group 2: Live, Kristoffer, Florian

Group 3: Vetle, Radoslaw, Chris


A few other messages:

  1. I have uploaded a tentative schedule for the oral exam that is available on the course page (link under “Resources”). Note that the times can be changed, but we will notify you if that is the case. Please let us know as soon as possible if the date/time does not work for you (e.g., if you have other exams).
  2. Next week you have no mandatory papers to read, but you will work in groups with questions and we will do a plenary Zoom meeting next week as well. The questions next week should cover (almost) everything we have been through in the course, and will be a preparation for the exam.
  3. For the last lecture we will prepare a more traditional lecture and talk about the exam and a few other topics we think are useful. If you have any topics you want us to talk about please let us know in advance.
  4. In Teams, I have uploaded some pictures of CSCW mind maps that students have made previous semesters. We strongly urge you to somehow organize the topics and concepts from the curriculum in some way before the exam (in a mind map, word list, list of papers, etc). You can use this in the oral exam to talk your way through the curriculum if you like.

- Johanne

Publisert 5. mai 2020 14:44 - Sist endret 5. mai 2020 14:44